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Do I go inside the home?

Not all homes have been risk assessed by the referrer or GoodGym and, although we will always give you as much information as we can before the mission, the home environment may still not be as expected, or may have changed.

Please be aware of your surroundings at all times, even if you have previously visited the home, and only enter if you feel safe to do so. Most homes are clean and comfortable, but it is worth remembering that everyone is different and has different standards of homely cleanliness.

You do not have to enter, or remain in, the property if you do not feel comfortable. Please report back to GoodGym with any concerns so we can make sure we have up to date and relevant information to provide to other GoodGymers.

We cannot facilitate meetings away from the home such as in a local cafe or a walk in the park. Leaving the home may require specialist support and increased responsibility from our volunteers that can put them at additional risk and/or in uncomfortable situations if things go wrong. If the beneficiary requests this, please decline and explain that you are only able to visit them at their home.

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  1. Anna

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