How to block another GoodGym member from seeing your GoodGym profile
When you sign up for GoodGym you have a unique profile set up on our site, showcasing your achievements and activities within the GoodGym community. Here you are able to link social media accounts, or...
Blocking someone will prevent them from viewing or commenting on your profile or activities. You can reverse this block at any time. Blocking does not prevent them from signing up to the same mission...
Blocking is an option if there are GoodGymers with whom you’d rather not share your details/activities with, or if the behaviour or online comments of a fellow GoodGymer are contrary to our Code of Co...
Your profile may still be visible to website users who are not signed in. This means that the blocked person may still be able to view your profile whilst they are signed out of theirs. This can be pr...
There will be no notifications sent to the blocked person....
Yes. There are two ways you would be notified. If you signed up to a Community Mission or Group Session, you will receive an email notification alerting you to this issue. You can then decide whether...
This is still a possibility and if this were to happen, you would be notified in advance of this and given the option to withdraw. The decision to participate would be yours and you can decline the ta...
No, when viewing the attendees for a mission, your profile will be hidden as {Name of location} Runner e.g Birmingham Runner. If you decide to still attend a mission for an older person, your details...
Yes, this is still visible to you. However, if they were to block you, then this would not be visible....
You can unblock someone by going to their profile and hovering the cursor over the bar that says ‘blocked’. This will then change into ‘unblock’ and clicking on this will unblock that person. ...